VIVES University of Applied Sciences - Belgium
With its cutting-edge, competency-based higher education, inventive, applied research, and societal services, VIVES University of Applied Sciences provides an adequate solution to the social concerns of the present and the future.

Why Study In VIVES ?
The development of skills is a top priority for VIVES. Every chance is offered to students to concentrate on their future. The University of Applied Sciences' motto, Create Your Future, reflects this. VIVES deems it crucial for its people to do their duties professionally.
As a result, the University of Applied Sciences provides them with a broad array of opportunities to advance and share their knowledge. Responsibility and ownership, as well as respect and admiration for each individual, are prioritized by VIVES. Another key commitment made by VIVES is sustainability. With innovation, VIVES wants to set the standard for higher professional education.

Research Centers & Institutes
- Institution of applied sciences
- Applied Research
- Bachelor Degree Programs
- Associate Degree Programs
Visit University Website
Click on the link below to visit university Website:
Click on the link below to find your degree program:
Degree Programmes for students | Hogeschool VIVES
Fee Structure
Click on the link below for fee structure:
How To Apply?
Click on the link below to apply:
Application procedure for exchange students | Hogeschool VIVES
Feel Free To Enquire About Any Questions You Got
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+92 51 265 410
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